January 28, 2018A lot of digital marketers focus on acquisition to sustain high growth velocity, but the machine to build to grow a business could actually rely on several axis - including acquisition but not only - to perform sustainable, reliable and profitable growth on the long term. Here is an short explaination of our G = L + E - C model.
October 29, 2016To deliver a consistent and powerful message which resonates with the audience, you have to go below the surface to understand the main concerns and the deep motivations of your customers. Being aware with that will help you build the marketing message which embody the chore value of your product.
April 30, 2016For over 15 years, Dexem has been building SaaS & mobile products used by thousands of people worldwide every day. Here's how we manager our roadmap to build customer-centric software products.
January 15, 2016Cambodia was definitely one of the richest traveling experience I had, so beautiful, so different. Everything was perfect, from the kindness of our hosts to the incredible life journey our guide, through the breathtaking landscapes. I can't believe it's already 5 years since I went there!
April 26, 2015As a marketer, I consider that my job is basically to explain what our company does for the customers, in a way that helps them understand the value they will get from our products. Said like this, it sounds clear. But based on my own experience, the path to do so to generate revenue and user growth is actually full of pitfalls.
February 22, 2015After an intense winter, we were glad to fly abroad to get some warm, sun, beaches, dives, typical meals and rum to rest and enjoy great family times. And for us, as young parents, that was clearly a fun challenge to travel to the Caribbean with our little boy. Note : all the following pictures were took with an iPhone 6.
December 28, 2014Sometimes, beauty is really just around the corner. I feel lucky to live in one of the finest regions of France, Brittany, which is located in the west of France and surrounded by the sea. As I love photography, I'd love to share some taken during simple moments over the last 2 years.
October 4, 2014Launched for about a year and a half, our contact manager for iPhone reached the symbolic first 1,000,000 sessions lastly. Here are the key learnings discovered all along the way and our ambitions to take the app to the very next level.
September 24, 2014Over the last 18 months, we've welcome some new members in the team. I believe that a good training process is really important to integrate new comers effectively. Here's a 6-steps training process to welcome new team members that can be done within a week with really good results.
June 21, 2014This year, we want to take our VoicePublisher cloud platform to the next level. And this means improving every detail we can to deliver a higher and constant experience to our customers. Using more contasts with colors and going globally flat, the redesigned login box offers a better first impression of our products.
May 15, 2014As our ambition is to deliver the highest levels of customer service for people who use our iPhone App Connect to manage their contacts, we've considered to bring a Help Center within the app in addition to our existing email & phone support.So we basically end up to set up a Webview which calls a Web page that can be updated at any time.
March 20, 2014Two weeks ago, one of my friend said something like this "I wonder who succeed in doing Facebook Ads campaigns with a CTR > 4% and CPI < 0.2$" because he never reached until now. Well, after some tries we eventually end up to these metrics on several campaigns. Here's mainly what we did and what I told to my friend.
January 28, 2014I released a new version of Connect's website today. And I use some animations - transition, fading, scaling - when you scroll the page down on pictures and sections. Here's how you can animate sections and pictures with CSS, HTML and JQuery on your own pages in a few minutes with the following code.
December 30, 2013Worked hard, played hard, 2013 has been an amazing year! I had so much great professional and personal opportunities throughout the year. Among the major milestones, I developed the inbound lead generation at Dexem, launched a new product, launched a first iPhone app, attended to great conferences and met with awesome people.
November 26, 2013Two weeks ago, we've released a re-designed version of Connect for iOS 7. As the first weeks went well both for downloads and retention, we decided to shoot a demo video for the app. We wanted to show how it works to potential new users and see if a video could help us increase conversion rates. With no budget, here's what we've done.
October 17, 2013My wife Agathe and I made a two weeks trip in California with a campervan this fall. We had a pleasant weather and had several opportunities to meet with great people there. We visit so much different places and enjoy beautiful landscapes. Here are some pictures captured along the way during our road trip.
August 12, 2013About two months ago, we released a fast, beautiful and friendly contact manager for iPhone called Dexem Connect. Because we only mainly call a few people, we tried to bring a better way to keep these favorite people close to us and inspired by some recent apps, we tried to bring friendly ways to connect with them.
June 24, 2013Lastly, I spent a few time to improve call-to-action buttons on Dexem corporate website and PPC landing pages. My goals were pretty simple: improve conversion rate and better integrate these buttons in our layout. After several tries and weeks of tests, I finally end up with flat animated call-to-action buttons.
May 18, 2013Last week, we released an English version of Dexem's corporate website. To easily navigate between both English and French version, I was looking for a beautiful selector which could fit with our pages layout. Here are the language selector I designed and some best practices I read about where to place it in a website.
April 21, 2013To improve our SEO rank, we decided to make our website very fast and our source code as much as possible. Based on Pingdom, we finally end up to make our website 99% faster than others. Here is what we did to make it happen.
March 15, 2013While I was drinking a few beers with friends last night, we started to talk about our favorite apps, make comparison and highlight the fact that some of our more used apps could be different of our favorites. Surprisingly I noticed that the way I organise the apps is unintentionally very well-arranged.
February 19, 2013Creating beautiful user interfaces for Web and mobile apps naturally drive designers into the world of colors. Finding the most appropriated colors, the ones that will create emotions and the right balance between them is subtle. We'd like to believe that these inspirations have something magic, but it's above all a question of work.
November 26, 2012With the increasing number of devices with different screen resolutions, having clearly in mind which resolutions to take into account with a responsive design is not so easy. And curiously, I spent a lot of time to find such a responsive grid layout. Here is a grid I made with the most common screen resolutions I use in responsive web design.
September 07, 2012Choosing a relevant product name, THE name, is a very leading key to success. Nothing very new here, there already are some articles about how to choose a name for the new app you're thinking to bring in life, but I'd like to share with you my thoughts and process behind this situation I faced recently.
August 25, 2012During the first half of 2012, I wanted to attend to several entrepreneurship events. I planned to go to Startup Weekend BZH in March (in Brittany, my home spot), Startup Weekend Paris at Dojoboost in June and Lean Startup Machine Paris in July.
June 28, 2012During the Startup Weekend Bretagne, I had a very interesting interaction with Olivier Ezratty about the first questions to ask when starting a business. He particularly highlighted the value of problems, and the fact that lots of teams focus and debate on how a solution would be instead of discussing about the problem they would like to solve.
May 08, 2012FreskPage helps app developers and marketers to create beautiful landing pages for their apps in minutes. Since a while, I regularly create a lot of landing pages for apps so I looked for a way to automate the building process. Not happy with existing solutions, I finally ended up building a tiny app for myself and then, released it as a product.
March 19, 2012Pre-launch marketing allow you to engage with your market on day 1. I see four main benefits doing marketing while coding since day 1 and they will seriously increase your chances of success by saving a lot of time and energy, which are your most precious resources at the beginning of a project.
February 28, 2012The challenge is essential and exciting. How to highlight your product and make impact on visitors that they would - at least - want to get more about your product and how it could fit their needs. And all of this in only 5 to 7 words. Asking myself this question, I looked at a lot of hook messages and observed 3 main approaches I describe in this article.
October 20, 2011This article is in French. Suite à une commande sur le site de la marque, je reçois ma nouvelle paire de Faguo par colis. Un détail particulièrement original attire mon attention : le QR Code imprimé sur l’intérieur de la boîte. Trouvant l’idée innovante, je scanne le code 2D avec mon smartphone afin de voir ce qu’il y a derrière, et ...
September 28, 2011This article is in French. Animé par Lionel Myszka, ce petit-déjeuner sur le thème des médias sociaux autour de la question “Quels bénéfices votre entreprise peut-elle retirer des médias sociaux ?” aura été l’occasion de faire un rapide balayage des grandes questions que se posent les organisations sur les médiaux sociaux et leurs usages.
September 16, 2011Wonder how to set up a timeline on your website with only CSS and HTML? I just add one in my personal website. I just wanted to highlight interesting milestones along my first web-based experiences, education, travels and works. Here is how to deal with the CSS and HTML to easily build your own.
June 23, 2011This article is in French. Le service client joue un rôle de plus en plus important dans les décisions d’achat des consommateurs. Créer une expérience positive pour vos clients et vos collaborateurs est un moyen fantastique d’amener les gens à parler de votre entreprise à leurs amis, la famille, et leurs réseaux .
March 12, 2011I had the opportunity to live in Singapore in 2010. I really enjoyed visiting many countries in South East Asia during these 6 months, especially for the diversity of places and the kindness of people. Just by chance, I discovered a real passion for photography. Here are some great shots I took along.